Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Onuku Marae (a Maori village area)

This is the Kaik, with a totem pole erected beside it. Above our heads is a carving of a human head, with the angles roof stretching turns the ground in an up-side-down V shape representing the arms of this head. Everything Maori is loaded with symbolism. I believe this "person" is extending its arms to embrace nature? perhaps the people entering the church? (I forgot...I'll have to ask Fiona).

Across from the church are the Maori meeting houses (above).

Inside the Kaik.

Standing outside the fence that surrounded the Kaik. 

While in Robinson's Bay (right outside of Akaroa), Fiona educated us a little bit on Maori culture. We ventured into a Maori church (called a Kaik) where weddings and religious services were/are held. I am looking forward to learning more about this culture. It is really interesting!

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